Hi all!
I am starting this blog so that my work on my Junior I.S. can be tracked and a million e-mails don't have to be sent out. To fill some people in I am writing my geology I.S. at the moment and will continue on with my archaeology I.S. in the srping. The topic of my I.S. as most of you all know is the Orange Township works in Highbanks Metropark. This is a semi-circular embankment that encloses about 10 acres. It is my hope that the city of Columbus and the Metroparks office will give me permission to conduct a small-scale excavation at the site using bucket auguring techniques. Hopefully I can find some datable material that will give a better age to the site. At the moment I am in the first drafts of writing my I.S. which I will then submit as/along with my formal request for an excavation. It is all very exciting for me and I hope that I cna post enough to keep it exciting for everyone else.
(engraving done by Squire and Davis of he Orange Township works embankment)
Fabulous, love the background set up for your blog! Keep writing!