Sunday, September 25, 2011

a new round of books!

hello all! I have been to the library yet again and acquired a new set of books for IS. This brings the total of books so far to 26 books! I am writing up a bibliography for Monday and I am sure the list will grow with time. The girl who was checking out my books at the desk today just laughed when she watched me struggle down the steps and up to the counter with my duffel bag full of books. They were super heavy and I contemplated buying one of those metal carts that bag ladies use for my future library trips.

A few updates:
  • washing and preliminary sorting of artifacts and debitage is complete
  • the fist phase of sorting all of the chert flakes is complete
  • We found a piece of baked clay, this is not a piece of pottery, perhaps it is from clay that was too close to a fire or something else that is yet to be determined.
  • Copeland Fund proposal was filled out and submitted last week!!
  • Beta Analytic lab received my sample and the results should be in around the middle or end of October.
  • Writing continues with the methods chapter, problem statement, bibliography. I have outlined pretty much all of the IS, now it is a matter of filling in

Stay tuned or more updates!!! 

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