In the past week or so I have been working on writing on my IS. I have done a little bit of lab work but right now I am waiting on the arrival of my labeling materials/supplies. I ordered them today, hopefully they should be here by early next week!
We identified two pieces of fired clay in the collection, one piece has a chert flake embedded in it. This further supports the idea that these pieces of clay were fired accidentally in a fire, possibly one used for heat treating chert.
My radio carbon/AMS dates came back from Beta Analytic, it turns out that the charcoal from unit 1 is less than 100 years old, sad but not terrible. It would have been nice to have a really old date to correlate to the site but we figure this was from a lightening struck tree or something of that nature.
Prof. Kardulias and I discussed how I am going to analysis the chert and I plan on doing some calibrations and measurements of a sample of pieces, perhaps separated by chert type. This data can later be inputed into SPSS (a statistics software).
Labeling will come first however so I am just waiting on the shipment!
Stay tuned for more updates
Cool, fire-baked clay! Pictures?? (oh, it's analyze, silly!)